German Shepherd

Why are German Shepherds called German Shepherds?
I have orally cleared this confusion many times to the dog lovers and general public as well. You will find people telling that there is difference in colour between alsatian & German Shepherd. Some people act further intelligent to tell structural differences.Few say it is the size difference. An Alsatian is from Alsace in France and a German Shepherd from Germany…
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German Shepherd Litters For Sale
Solid DDR bloodlines, has had her first litter without any problems. There are 4 left, 2 males and 2 females, all black and red PUPPIES, ready to go, call me @ 1 540 743 3374!
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PA German Shepherd Rescue
Dog adoption saves lives. Adopt a dog and you ll have a friend for life! Contact us, or contact another local humane society, animal shelter or SPCA. Cities, Towns, and/or Counties We Serve: We are a breed specific rescue for German Shepherds located in Schuylkill County, PA. We work with owner surrender situations, other rescues and most shelters in the Mid-Atlantic states…
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Dogs of Germany
Angela Merkel is in line to become Europe s longest serving elected female head of government. Photograph: Rex/Action Press If Angela Merkel is re-elected on 22 September, she stands to become Europe s longest serving elected female head of government, eclipsing Margaret Thatcher along the way. And yet there is still plenty of mystery about a woman who charted an unlikely course…
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Shepherd Dog breeds
A small, sinewy, lean, lively dog whose sparkling personality and quicksilver intelligence are reflected in the vibrant expression of his unique triangular head and windswept face. A superb athlete, his beautiful, flowing gait shaves the earth. Uncoiffed, light-boned and built as a horizontal rectangle, his high energy and intelligent, cunning, mischievous attitude show that…
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German Shepherd Animal Planet
The German shepherd dog has an outline of smooth curves on a body that is longer than it is tall. It is strong, agile and substantial. Its gait is exceptionally outreaching and elastic, covering the ground in great strides. It has a double coat, with the outer coat consisting of dense, straight or slightly wavy, harsh, close lying hair of medium length. Among the most intelligent…
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Alsatian VS German Shepherd
Fewer dog breeds appear as similar as the Alsatian (officially knows as the Alsatian shepalute or American Alsatian) and the German shepherd, and fewer breeds are so radically different. Matching only in appearance, these two breeds derive from different places and are bred for different purposes. While the Alsatian bloodline does have German shepherd in it, it has since diverged…
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History of the German Shepherd
This brief history is not intended to be all inclusive. It is an outline of breed history from a North American perspective. The German Shepherd Dog is respected and admired throughout the world for its versatility, intelligence, and loyalty. It has existed as a recognized breed for a relatively brief period of time compared to other dog breeds. The early shepherd dogs of Germany…
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German Shepherd black and white
I was recently asked why I do not breed White German Shepherds. Here is why: Many people have had a white German shepherd in the past whom they loved. There is no denying they can be very pretty. Once you love something, it really does not matter to you if it is right or not. White is considered a serious flaw and this is why: German Shepherds were bred to do just that, shepherd…
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Breeding German Shepherds Timing
When your dog has finished the third leg of four toward Championship or Agility or Obedience trials. OK, I realize I went off the rails immediately on that response, but here is the physiological info: A female dog can go into her first heat at four months, though it can often be a silent heat, i.e., no endometrial leakage (I hate calling this blood, since endometrial lining…
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GSD standard
Standard Time (also referred to as the “Standard Minute Value” or “SMV”), is the time required for a qualified worker working at “Standard Performance” to perform a given task. The SMV includes additional allowances for Rest and Relaxation, Machine Delay and anticipated Contingencies. The SMV is the universal measurement of time and its accuracy and consistency is essential…
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