Long Haired

Long haired German Shepherd temperament
It seems that there are so many types of breeds in dogs which every person has its own mind to adopt and take care of it. Because they want to make them train and take them everywhere, they want to go. The most dog breed is in demand is long haired German Shepherd the next popular breed in the world…
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Long haired German
Winnipeg, Manitoba If you tell the average North American hunter that you have a German Shorthaired Pointer or German Wirehaired Pointer, he or she will probably know exactly what kind of dog you are talking about. But tell that same hunter you have a German Longhaired Pointer, and the response you are most likely to get is a blank stare follow by: “Say what?” Yet, the German…
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Pictures of long haired German Shepherds
What in the world is a “shaggy shepherd? ” At our house a shaggy shepherd is a German Shepherd that has a longer coat than the standard short coat of fur. Please, don’t all you GSD purist folks get your undies in a bunch. This is not a derogatory phrase, it’s a pet phrase for us ;-) (no pun intended). As much as Mom loves German Shepherds, she also has a thing for long haired…
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Long haired German Shepherd info
The I.S.S.R. as of June 1, 1992 took over the registration of the Shiloh Shepherd to better control the future of the Shiloh Shepherd. All dogs must meet all requirements, i.e., Hips, temperament, size, and pedigree before receiving Permanent Registration. Dogs must have a preliminary x-ray, and have that x-ray approved before being bred. NO EXCEPTIONS. 1). Black Bordered Certificates…
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Long haired German Shepherd puppies for Adoption
Lava is an absolute delight of a dog. As far as Long Haired German Shepherd Puppies go, she was one of the cutest ones we ever had. She pays attention to everything. Like Chuck Norris, Lava doesn’t sleep, she waits. If there was a dog that thought itself always prepared for anything that could occur, meet Lava. She is from an awesome kennel in West Virginia and lots of time…
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